17 research outputs found

    Improving machine dynamics via geometry optimization

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    The central thesis of this paper is that the dynamic performance of machinery can be improved dramatically in certain cases through a systematic and meticulous evolutionary algorithm search through the space of all structural geometries permitted by manufacturing, cost and functional constraints. This is a cheap and elegant approach in scenarios where employing active control elements is impractical for reasons of cost and complexity. From an optimization perspective the challenge lies in the efficient, yet thorough global exploration of the multi-dimensional and multi-modal design spaces often yielded by such problems. Morevoer, the designs are often defined by a mixture of continuous and discrete variables - a task that evolutionary algorithms appear to be ideally suited for. In this article we discuss the specific case of the optimization of crop spraying machinery for improved uniformity of spray deposition, subject to structural weight and manufacturing constraints. Using a mixed variable evolutionary algorithm allowed us to optimize both shape and topology. Through this process we have managed to reduce the maximum roll angle of the sprayer by an order of magnitude , whilst allowing only relatively inexpensive changes to the baseline design. Further (though less dramatic) improvements were shown to be possible when we relaxed the cost constraint. We applied the same approach to the inverse problem of reducing the mass while maintaining an acceptable roll angle - a 2% improvement proved possible in this cas

    Towards Automated Verification of P Systems Using Spin

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    This paper presents an approach to P systems verification using the Spin model checker. A tool which implements the proposed approach has been developed and can automatically transform P system specifications from P-Lingua into Promela, the language accepted by the well known model checker Spin. The properties expected for the P system are specified using some patterns, representing high level descriptions of frequently asked questions, formulated in natural language. These properties are automatically translated into LTL specifications for the Promela model and the Spin model checker is run against them. In case a counterexample is received, the Spin trace is decoded and expressed as a P system computation. The tool has been tested on a number of examples and the results obtained are presented in the paper

    Virological supervision of bluetongue disease in the south-east region of Romania

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    Bluetongue is an infectious, non-contagious, vector-transmitted viral disease affecting domestic ruminants (sheep, goats, cattle) and wild (buffaloes, deer, several species of African antelopes and other species of the Artiodactyla order). The economic importance of the disease lies in the important economic losses following the decrease in the productive capacity of the animals, mortality and fetal malformations, immunization costs of the receptive animals, trade restrictions, reduction of the economic recovery price of the receptive animals and products thereof. Our study aimed at identifying by virological examinations the presence and circulation of BLA virus in the SE region of Romania. For viral isolation and identification were used blood samples collected from domestic ruminants in the counties: Galati, Braila, Tulcea and Vrancea. According to the working chart of the BT Diagnostic Manual (LNR Arboviroze Bucharest), the samples collected from suspect animals were processed and tested by RT-PCR. In the period 2015-2016, 517 blood samples with anticoagulant from 282 cattle and 235 sheep suspected of Bluetongue were tested for the identification of the viral genome by RT-PCR technique. There were no suspicions of Bluetongue disease in goats in the counties included in the study. In bovines in the SE of Romania, the viral genome was identified in 171 (60.64%) blood samples with anticoagulant. In sheep in the SE of Romania, the viral genome was identified in 209 (88.93%) blood samples with anticoagulant. Most positive samples confirmed by the detection of the BT viral genome came from Vrancea, both in cattle (161 positive samples) and in sheep (209 positive samples). Because of the pathogenicity, bluetongue virus infection can not be diagnosed for a certain period of time, the period in which the disease may exist and evolve, the infected animals being sources of infection for vectoric culicoid insects

    Investigations regarding on the clinical expression of Bluetongue virus infection of domestic ruminants in the South-East region of Romania

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    Bluethonge has a significant economic impact, mainly due to the effect of the disease on animals (morbidity, mortality, reproductive insufficiency, reducced of milk production and animal weakening) and, in particular, disruption of international trade in animals and animal products. In the South-East region of Romania, in the period 2014-2017, animals with clinical signs specific to Bluetongue virus were identified.1437 domestic ruminants with a suspected disease were examined. Of these, 418 (29,08%) had clinical features similar to those of Bluetongue. The incidence of clinical signs in animals with suspected disease varied by species. Thus, the clinical aspects were present in 22,21% cattle, 68,21% sheep and 1,54% goats. Following clinical examination, the simultaneous presence of several clinical signs specific for Bluetongue virus infection was observed in cattle and sheep. In cattle, the incidence of clinical signs was variable, most frequently reported conjunctival mucosal hyperemia, epiphora, sialorrhea, gingival ulceration, swelling and cyanosis of the tongue, nasal edema with ulcerations of the nasal mucosa and muco-purulent jet, circumcised necrosis at the level of the udder, accentuated weakening, congestion of the coronary area, torticollis, digestive disorders, exongulations and inability to move. The pathogenesis of Bluetongue is similar in cattle and sheep, so that the clinical evolution was similar in the two species. In goats, the disease evolved inapparently or with diminished clinical expressions: prostate condition, mucopurulent discharge, edema and nasal ulcers, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, curls and limping. In addition to the immediate losses, the onset of the disease can generate long-term effects, which can decisively affect the Romanian animal breeding sector. The ease with which the Bluetongue disease has spread, shows that the territory of Romania is affected by climate change caused by global warming, which allowed the transmitting vectors to proliferate and spread the Bluetongue virus to the receptive animals

    Formal Verification of P Systems with Active Membranes through Model Checking

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    Formal verification of P systems using model checking has attracted a significant amount of research in recent years. However, up to now only P systems with static structure have been considered. This paper makes significant advances in this area by considering P systems with active membranes, in particular P systems with division rules. The paper presents a theoretical framework for addressing this problem and reports on a complex case study involving a well-known NP-complete problem solved using P systems with membrane division rules. This is implemented in Promela and non trivial properties are verified using Spin.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Towards an Integrated Approach for Model Simulation, Property Extraction and Veri cation of P Systems

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    This paper presents an integrated approach for model simulation, property extraction and formal veri cation of P systems, illustrated on a tissue P system with active membranes solving the 3-colouring problem. The paper focuses on this problem and reports the invariants and the properties extracted and veri ed using a series of tools (Daikon, MeCoSim, Maple, Spin, ProB) and languages (P{Lingua, Promela, Event-B). Appropriate tools and integration plugins, which facilitate and even automate the steps involved in the aforementioned approach, have also been developed. The case study chosen is complex (it involves an exponential growth of the number of states through the use of membrane division rules) and the properties obtained are non-trivial.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC–0420


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    Cleft lip and/or palate are the most frequent facial congenital malformations and represent a dramatic situation at birth, which involves important functional, aesthetic, psychological and social impairment that motivates the necessity of a thorough genetic study in the view of genetic counselling. We have studied the families of 100 children with clefts born during the years 1985-1996 in Suceava county and selected from the evidences of the Children Hospital Suceava. The recurrence risk was determined in accordance with the rules of calculation for multifactorial inheritance; it varied between 2 – 5% for the majority of cases (77%) which corresponds to a small risk degree; only in 23% of cases the risk varied between 6 – 15% which corresponds to a medium risk degree


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    : Cleft lip and/or palate are the most frequent facial congenital malformations and represent a dramatic situation at birth, which involves important functional, aesthetic, psychological and social impairment that motivates the necessity of a thorough genetic study in the view of genetic counselling. We have studied the families of 100 children with clefts born during the years 1985-1996 in Suceava county and selected from the evidences of the Children Hospital Suceava. The recurrence risk was determined in accordance with the rules of calculation for multifactorial inheritance; it varied between 2 – 5% for the majority of cases (77%) which corresponds to a small risk degree; only in 23% of cases the risk varied between 6 – 15% which corresponds to a medium risk degre

    Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy: clinical particularities

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    Catedra Endocrinologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy represents the myocardial injury caused by the toxic effects of the thyroid hormones. The duration of the thyrotoxicosis, the age and gender of the patient are important factors for the development of thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy and its clinical manifestations. Its most common symptoms are: palpitations, angina pectoris, dyspnoea and arrythmic heart contractions. The physical examination will frequently determine tachycardia, arrythmic heart contractions, systolic hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, enlargement of heart dullness at percussion, systolic murmurs and pulmonary rales (in case of heart failure). Cardiomiopatia tireotoxică reprezintă leziunea miocardului, cauzată de către efectele toxice ale hormonilor tiroidieni. Durata tireotoxicozei, vârsta şi sexul bolnavului reprezintă factori importanţi în dezvoltarea cardiomiopatiei tireotoxice şi manifestărilor ei clinice. Cele mai frecvente simptome ale cardiomiopatiei tireotoxice sunt palpitaţiile, angina pectorală, dispneea şi contracţiile cardiace aritmice. La examenul obiectiv deseori se atestă tahicardie, contracţii cardiace aritmice, hipertensiune sistolică, hipotensiune ortostatică, lărgirea matităţii cordului la percuţie, sufluri sistolice şi raluri pulmonare (în caz de insuficienţă cardiacă)


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